Friday, October 5, 2007

Workflow Builder

Below are screen shots of the workflow builder I have been working on. Its has a relatively simple layout true to the design goals I have set. The GUI essentially allows the users to build abstract workflows, save them to a file and save them to a Workflow Management database. It also allows the users to display and retrieve these workflows.

The workflow builder is still incomplete. There are revisions that need to be undertaken; these include:
  • Documentation of code - I need to find a way of generating an API (there are certain tools out there that I have yet to investigate).
  • Generation of unique IDs for each workflow element -
  • Testing, testing, testing ...
Quick Demonstration:

The screen shots below shows how user can create an abstract workflow.

The second screen shot shows the program generating the abstract workflow in XML before saving it to a file and storing a copy in the database.

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